Duluth MN Hotels & Motels

We didn’t want to be “exclusive” so we decided to list all of the Duluth MN hotels and motels. This way, no matter what amenities or features you’re looking for when you travel Duluth, you will certainly be able to find a great hotel or motel to stay at!

The biggest decisions when staying in the Duluth area are: What type of place do you want to stay at? How much do you want to spend? And, where would you prefer to stay? The way we’ve broken down your lodging options adhere to those generalities.

First off, we’ve broken the “types of place” into a few categories. This is, of course, the Duluth MN Hotels and Motels section. We also have some alternative lodging options like Duluth Vacation Rentals and Duluth Bed & Breakfasts.

Secondly, we’ve devised a simple way to break down the costs of staying at any of these different places. We have developed a rating system that ranges from $ to $$$$. The more dollar signs, the more expensive it will be. You will be able to find these dollar signs located right by any of the lodging options we’ve listed!

Finally, where do you want to stay? This is really important and is something that needs to be considered when checking out any lodging option. Certainly, some places cost more than others. Typically, staying in a Canal Park hotel is going to be more expensive than the same hotel in West Duluth. The extraordinary view from your room and being close to the action may be worth the extra money for you, maybe not. So, for the Duluth MN Hotels and Motels, we’ve broken them up into 6 different areas:

Canal Park

Downtown Duluth

East Duluth area

Miller Hill/Skyline area

West Duluth/Proctor area

Superior WI

Map of all the Duluth MN Hotels & Motels

These are all the hotels and motels from the different areas of Duluth listed above. As you can see, we’ve even included Superior hotels.